From the Rector's Desk


Some folks say that God doesn't have a sense of humour.  But after last Sunday - where I prepared a sermon on Jesus as the healer to only be struck by the first fever I've had in over a decade, while not traditionally funny - the irony has not been lost on me.  However, this also served as a stark reminder that here in this community, we do not have anyone 'on deck' to fill in if I am away, or fall ill again.  Thankfully, after many failed phone calls trying to find someone to take the service, Cris (with special permission of the Archdeacon), agreed to lead and share my sermon.  But this showed us that a more reliable solution is likely needed for the future. 

And we are not the only parish facing this need for support on Sundays, which is why the Diocese has put together an online course to train Lay Leaders for worship – with all the skills, knowledge and confidence to lead Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer or Liturgy of the Word to help clergy in small communities when illness strikes, or time off is needed.  To date, more than 70 lay leaders have been successfully trained in the Diocese and serve sharing their gifts in a number of communities. 

The more folks we have trained, the more we can share the work of worship together! If you have any questions or an interest in learning more about this course or would like to support our worshiping community, please reach out as I would love to have a chat about worship! 

 Love and Blessings,

Rev. Kirsten +



Come and join us for homemade pancakes and sausages - always such a nice treat! A voluntary donation would be greatly appreciated.

Elaine needs some volunteers to assist.  If you can help, please contact her for more details.


Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It is the beginning of a season of repentance, fasting, and awaiting Jesus's Resurrection.

We will combine this service with the bible study that day.  Everyone welcome!



You should have received in an email the 2023 annual report, which you can read before the meeting.

Please bring a bagged lunch to the meeting.  Coffee, tea, etc. will be provided.


HARP CONCERT at St.Mary's, SUNDAY MARCH 3rd at 4pm


Join us for a new experience at St. Mary’s where we will have the musical talents of Marilyn Rummel on harp and Danel Cove on flute offering a time of classical folk fusion.

Come hear some familiar pieces reimagined through contemplative improvisation.

Admission will be at the door with a suggested donation of $20.   Money raised will be split between the musicians and St. Mary’s community.


The Chosen is on the Big Screen! 

Are you one of the many followers who have been watching the online telling of the life of Jesus? The Chosen is a very popular and well done historical drama following the life of Jesus. While there is some creative license taken, it is a wonderful depiction of Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.  Usually this can be seen only online, but right now Landmark Cinema in Nanaimo is offering episodes of Season 4 on the big screen for a limited time only.  If you are interested, be sure to check it out!  Thank you to Evelyne G for letting us know.




Faith Tides is the official publication of the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets.  It is a space where people of faith and doubt can share their stories, challenge their perceptions and grow together.
In this issue: The harvest is plentiful by Bishop Anna; Decolonizing the archives; Let's talk faith and justice; and more!  CLICK HERE TO VIEW.