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Note from the Rector

This morning as I drove into the church parking lot, I noticed one of the biggest wild mushrooms I have ever seen growing quite happily along the edge of the lot.  It is easily bigger than my hand and seemed like such a wonderful example for us as we journey through this Season of Creation.  There, growing in that in-between space - between greenscape and asphalt crush – we see creation doing what creation does: showing its tenacity towards life. This is a prime example of who we are as Christians too.  As followers of Christ, we live into that in-between space between the Kingdom of God and the ways of the world – seeking out ways to thrive, grow and change the space around us to be more like the world God sees.  It is a bit of a tightrope situation, where we walk a fine line between the things of God and the things of earth, between our call to love and society's pull towards capitalism and political mayhem.

In these last few months, we have seen this dichotomy alive in our own community.  As Council particularly wrestled with how we can reach out and welcome in as God calls us, inviting in and providing a much-needed home for the Thinking Garden Daycare and its families, while balancing the ‘business side’ that is required of the day-to-day running of a church.  It can be hard to remember where we stand as we straddle this line of being in the world but not of the world (Romans 12:2).  But this is what we are called to do – to embrace our calling as people of God, being the love and light that is so desperately needed in the world, sharing the abundance God has provided with those in need – all while navigating the ways of the world which tempt us to do otherwise.  

I am so proud of this congregation and the ways that you have continually walked this fine line and erred on the side of love, inclusion, abundance, and life.  Walking the Way is not an easy path but it is one with great reward if we stick with it.  So my prayer, as odd as it may sound, is that we continue to be like that great big, beautiful mushroom growing on the edge of the parking lot.  May we too continue to grow bigger and brighter as we embrace the ways of God in the world.  

Many Blessings,
Kirsten +


We received a phone call from another parish asking Kirsten what she needed.  But please remember that no-one from the Diocese or any church will ever be asking you to purchase gift cards.

Below is an example of what one of these scam messages might look like:

"Thank you for getting back to me. I don’t have good coverage for cell.

I'll need you to help me get an Amazon or Apple gift card, 3 x $100 = $300, from any store around you. I will reimburse you as soon as I can. I will be glad to know if you can help me do that at your convenient time.

Peace and Blessings,    Rev'd Kirsten "



There will be a PRICE INCREASE on OCTOBER 1st, 2023. 

Please stop by the church and see KAT to view and reserve your plot before the price increase. 

Only $500/plot.




A big THANK YOU to Elaine for providing such a beautiful big display to promote our St. Francis Pet Memorial Garden.

 A little bird told us that over 200 people came through the doors.  Our flower display was a resounding success!



Diocesan Council Meeting

We are hosting this meeting at the church on Thursday September 21,  which will have 10-12 people in attendance from 9am-4pm.

We looking for volunteers to help with making muffins and serving them with coffee at about 8:30am, and to help with serving and clean-up of the catered lunch.

Please talk to Elaine asap if you can help.  Thank you!



Safe Church Training at St. Mary’s last Sunday

THANK YOU for helping us qualify as a Safe Church before the deadline of September 30.

Many thanks to the 32 people who watched the Safe Church video after Sunday's service.  Your attendance will help qualify our parish as a safe place, and keep insurance costs down.

For those who were unable to attend but would like to help at the Christmas Fair and other events, the 35-minute video produced by the Diocese will be re-shown at 1 pm on Wednesday, September 20 in our multi-purpose lounge area (formerly the choir/NCS room).  Please let Val know if you plan to attend so that she can type your legal name on the official attendance sheet. 


      Recording the Sunday Service

Each Sunday morning, our service is video-recorded (usually by Elaine) from the corner of the church. While it doesn’t look like much during the service, this is a wonderful ministry that allows St. Mary’s to minster far and wide, well beyond the confines of our church walls. We have folks who access the service from other provinces, people tune in while they are away or on vacation, and it is a vital way for our people who are home-bound to feel connected to us in a real way. However, it is a big job for one person to carry all year round so we are looking for a few people who would be interested in helping in this unique way. I know technology can be a bit scary, but I promise – if you can use a cell phone or a tablet at home, you can record the service!

So please give this ministry some prayer and consideration and if you would like to know more or are ready to help out please speak to Elaine or myself!


2023 FUN & FUNdraisers at St. Mary’s


Every $10 donation purchases approximately 1 square foot of new roofing.


To make a donation:

  1. In the hall, pick up an envelope with a donation amount on it or use a blank one
       and write on it what you are donating
  2. Fill in your name and envelope number for income tax purposes
  3. Put your cheque or cash donation in the envelope and take out the photo puzzle piece
  4. Find your puzzle piece number on the grid and add your piece to help complete the photo.

Your donation is greatly appreciated.   



SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18th. . . a St. Mary Family Event.

Sign-up sheets continue to be in the hall during coffee hour.  All that is needed is a willing heart. There is a place for everyone.

If you make your own cards, please think about offering some for the Christmas Fair.  People love receiving personal cards and we have a card stand to display them properly.  Speak to Rita if you are interested. 

Any and all donations (no clothes) for the Attic Treasures and Christmas Pleasures tables may be left in the hall cupboard for sorting and pricing.  

Artists. . . please think of donating a piece of your work for our Art and Soul Gallery.  Woodworking, metalwork, painting, weaving, quilting, sculpture etc. We also look forward to your wonderful baking donations for our Bake Table.

For more information on the Gallery, please contact Mary H,  Marrianna W or Rita G.



These useful items will be available on Sunday after the service in the Hall.  Please see Val.

A little bird told me they are FANTABULISTIC!



The Invite Welcome Connect workshop is being offered at the Church of the Advent in Colwood, both in person and on Zoom. I hope to attend via Zoom and it would be wonderful if a few others from our church attend as well.

Invite Welcome Connect is a two-part workshop that offers to transform how we approach church development and growth, change the culture of the community and seek new ways to invite and welcome new people into our midst.  There is a small fee and if you are interested and need assistance with that fee, please speak to me. 

Please see the attachment below for more information.

Many blessings,  Kirsten +




The Women's Fall Retreat will run October 13-15, 2023 at Camp Imadene.  The facilitators will be the Right Rev. Logan McMenamie and Kirsten Horncastle-McMenamie.

To register, please download the attached form and mail it along with your registration fee to Brenda Dhaene. Further information is provided on the registration form with regards to payment and registration.

For accommodation, please note that all single rooms are booked, but a waitlist is being taken. There are still shared rooms available.

If you have any questions, please contact Brenda directly at

NEW LOCAL EVENT!  “Praying Twice” with Ron Klusmeier