Good afternoon.

It’s a beauty down here.  

Jim recently had a conversation with his philosophy students about what makes something “beautiful”? Is it something inside of us that resonates with a piece of art, or a scene in nature? I remember reading a whole book in college about beauty. I can’t remember much. But my eyes just wandered to a much beloved quote that hangs on my desk –  “The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it.”

Something inside us knows beauty when we experience it. And that is an innate sense we can develop and refine. But still, we need the mind to know more fully what it is we are looking at. For instance, I find broom to be lovely – such a deep warm yellow colour- and yet I know that it is a non-native invasive species that will overtake and squash other growth. It does “not play well with others.” So we use both our hearts and minds to deepen our journey of faith. And in this next passage we read that the heart can “think,” so we have a way forward congruently!

From God Calling  today, (in part): 

“My loved ones. Yes, with the heart, not the head, you should think of Me, and then worship would be instinctive. Breathe in My very Spirit in pure air and fervent desire. Keep the eye of your spirit every upon Me, the window of your soul open toward Me.” 

If we individually cannot “save” the world, what can we do? What is the “power of one”?  Could it be to discipline ourselves to live in the moment, open to the Holy Spirit, ready and willing to act as the Spirit directs? I think that, in fact, that is all we can do. If we mourn the past and fear the future, we are not present. We are not present to relationship or possibility. Every morning at 10am as a parish we begin our prayer – “God of the present moment……” – there we find God and life and possibility. That God of the present moment that always has been, is, and will be our constant companion if we but stay present.

This time of Covid can be seen as a time of waiting. But what kind of waiting? The kind where you just hold your breath and wait for “it all” to be over? Or a more pregnant kind of waiting, where you know new life is growing within you and you pay attention to what you need (rest, nourishment……) and you find yourself changing day by day as you prepare for the new day which you know is coming but you’re not sure exactly when and how.

This time is a time to wait with hearts open, trusting in the One love that holds us all, and keeping eyes and ears open to how life is changing moment by moment, day by day, in present time. In this way we can manage the worry and fear and prepare ourselves to be ready when we are called upon to act.

Speaking of right action: have a look at the video clip Anne Marie sent: Beauty in action and not something most of us would expect! Click here.

And speaking of BROOM – there has been much broom pulling at St. Mary’s.



Our neighbours are pleased to see all the broom disappearing from our property! Thank you to Rich Arsenault whose birthday is TODAY! Happy Birthday, Rich!!      

If your birthday or anniversary is not showing up on our lists, please let KAT in the office know. We want to celebrate you! 

During prayer time at 10am yesterday morning, the Collect from Monday May 4th: 
Almighty God, whose Son had nowhere to lay his head: Grant that those who live alone may not be lonely in their solitude, but that, following in his steps, they may find fulfillment in loving you and their neighbours; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Some people find this time of isolation a gift; others are really challenged. Let’s pray for those who feel lonely or depressed. 

What can we learn from this pandemic?  From Fred H and others - a young father shares his insights in a most profound and creative way:  Click here.

Speaking of Fred – he took a tumble and broke a bone in his foot. Please keep him and Linda in your prayers.

Mary Taylor sends this amazing tour of the Keukenhof Gardens during the pandemic when for once, there are no visitors. Be patient, it takes a while to download: Click here.

From Sue G – some words of wisdom from the Canadian singer/songwriter Jann Arden: see attached.

Thank you to our fearless KAT who keeps the front office running and remains the friendly face of our community!

God bless you and keep you, everyone, this moment, and always!