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Dear Parishioners,  

A few last minute things before I head out on holidays….

At our last Parish Council meeting, Elaine announced that she is stepping down from coordinating the monthly Community Dinner. What a contribution you have made, Elaine! Thank you for your leadership and dedication (and your delicious meals!!).

With the pandemic, we are not likely to be able to start up with the Community Dinner again for quite a while, but it’s important that you all know that when we can, we will be needing a new person, or team, to coordinate the meals. Or we may decide to do something different. Who knows?! But now you know and can think/pray about it.

The Care Team meeting scheduled for July 13 is cancelled and will be rescheduled when I come back in August.

Please, if you can, keep up your weekly giving. Our expenses are slightly less but we still need steady income and last month there was a sharp drop in giving.  

I came across some anecdotes I kept from our sons’ early years. Here’s one for your enjoyment:

During a bedtime snuggle with our 5-year-old, my husband Jim confided, “Theo, you are the perfect son for me!” Theo’s response was immediate, “Well, you’re the perfect Papa for me” and then he paused, adding thoughtfully, “except for one thing…” “What’s that, Theo?” my husband probed gently, “What would you change?” “Your name, Papa. Your name should be …. Bob.”    

Happy Canada Day, St. Mary’s. Have a wonderful July and I’ll look forward to connecting with you in August.

God bless and keep you all,