From the Rector’s Desk

How can it be Christmas already?! This has been the fastest moving December on record. And now we are being slowed down to a crawl as Covid is on the rise again and many plans have had to be cancelled. There are disappointments and fears. So this is the time to bear down and look deeply for what gives you hope. We need each other and we need God’s grace more than ever.

Our oldest son recently contracted Covid and spent over two weeks in quarantine. He was really quite sick but told me he set himself a schedule to keep some sense of normalcy, of order – even if just getting up at a certain time, bathing and preparing a meal. Peppered in between his scheduled activities was a lot of napping and resting. He was pleasantly surprised to find friends coming out of the woodwork to bring food and whatever other things he needed. He got through the long, lonely days and had moments of enjoyment. And his cats couldn’t believe their good luck in having him around 24/7, day after day!

Everyone is doing their best to cope. And everyone has their low moments. And then we have good moments, happier days. This reminds us that we need to enter in the divine exchange where we give and receive. We reach out when we need help – words of encouragement, some groceries, a drive somewhere. And we reach out to help others – an email, sharing a good joke, calling someone to go on a walk. If we pay attention to how the Holy Spirit nudges us, we won’t resist reaching out for help (so people can have the joy of caring for us) or offering help (so we can share our gifts).

I know everyone thinks I’m very busy. And they’re afraid to disturb or burden me. But here’s the thing. I’d rather be talking on the phone or going to visit someone than sitting in the office working on the computer. This is what gives me joy and a sense of purpose. And since having had Covid, I’m much better at stating my limits. So…. if you are having a hard time, please do not hesitate to reach out. If I can’t respond right away, I will let you know. And in the meantime, I can at least pray for you and put you on the Prayer Circle list if you want!

We don’t know what Christmas will look like this year – snow is predicted; travel may be restricted. But we do know that love in the person of Jesus came into the world 2,000 years ago and continues to arrive in every moment. Jesus came to show us the way to find and live in God’s love. We can only find that love in the present moment. Claim that love, live that love, follow that love. In whatever way you can. Listen to some Christmas music (we love the Elora Singers – The Mystery of Christmas), light candles, drink something warm and yummy, call a loved one, do what you need to touch into that spark of light and mystery. So that hope, peace, joy and love can shine through your life, and through you, to others. It’s the only work really worth applying yourself to.

God bless each and every one of you! Have a blessed Christmas,


Please read the Bishop’s Christmas letter attached below.

KAT has arrived safely in England and is staying with her daughter, partner and KAT’s little granddaughter. Please pray for her safety and for a wonderful family Christmas.

The office will be closed between Christmas and New Year, re-opening on Tuesday January 4th. In case of a pastoral emergency, please call your People’s Warden, Val.  


Christmas Eve                   Friday,      December 24 7:00pm
Christmas Day                  Saturday, December 25  10:00am
Boxing Day                       Sunday,    December 26  CLOSED
You can attend the livestream service at

We are not taking registration for Christmas services but we do have to limit the number of people (masked and double-vaccinated) who can attend, to comply with Covid safety protocols. So, if you are flexible and able to attend either the Christmas Eve service or the Christmas day service, please consider coming Christmas morning at 10:00am because numbers are usually much lower for that service. That way, we won’t have the potential problem of having to turn any visitors away. The more people who are bubbled sit together, the more people we can safely fit in. If you are bubbled with someone else in the church, please consider coming to the same service and sitting together. Thank you!

A lovely Christmas video from Val:  Click here.