From the Rector's Desk

Dear Friends in Christ,

First off, my thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make our Jumble Sale the success that it was. Despite the rain, all in all we had a wonderful day and this attests to the fantastic things that we can do when we come together as community to work towards a common goal. That being said, the wardens and I are also aware that the days leading up to the sale had some moments of tension, with access to the hall this year being somewhat limited due to the daycare being present.

I have heard that there are still concerns, comments and conversations happening about this among our people and so before things get too out of hand, I want to address a few things. To be really clear: at this point in time, having the daycare leasing space from us does change how we operate, as we have to remember we have a signed lease agreement, and their licensing has some limitations for us that are in place for the safety of the children. It is also good to keep in mind that the daycare does rent our space, currently adding $1500/month to our income, which is a huge benefit. That being said, I believe there is a way forward, grounded in solid communication, where we can learn to live together and respect the needs of both communities.

It may take some time to sort things out, but please know that the wardens and I are aware of the concerns and will be working to find a way forward. During the month of June, we will be mulling things over, collecting our thoughts and taking a bit of a breather. Then in July, when Don returns from Newfoundland and I return from my holidays, we will come together, meet with the daycare staff and sort out a process for how we can meet the needs of the church while also respecting the contract and the licensing requirements of the daycare. So stay tuned! And in the meantime, if you would like to hold a meeting or come in and use the hall for any reason, please let KAT or myself know so that we can have a conversation with the daycare staff to give them a heads up.

I welcome your prayers on this issue, and if you have any concerns, please speak to one of the wardens or myself.

With peace and gratitude,

Kirsten +


We would like to extend a HUGE Thank you to Ray D for the work he has done to restore our roadside signboard! Over the last few weeks, even during pouring rain, Ray has been out there digging holes, pouring cement and more, all to ensure that our sign will be standing strong for years to come! Thank you Ray for your hard work behind the scenes – we are so grateful for all you do!


AFTER the June Jumble Sale

The June Jumble Sale was a great success!  Many, many thanks for your dedication, perseverance and good cheer!  The total is in the process of being finalized as KAT is still selling items on Marketplace but we are definitively over $4,200.  St. Mary’s really shines with our hospitality and hard work.  WELL DONE EVERYONE!!



Faith Tides: May & June 2024 issue

Faith Tides is the official publication of the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets. It is a space where people of faith and doubt can share their stories, challenge their perceptions and grow together.

In this issue: Day school Survivor calls for justice and true reconciliation; a look back at the Primate's visit and We Together; a sabbatical in New Orleans; attic treasures and more! 

A few St. Mary photos were submitted for Easter celebrations and these are featured on Pages 8 and 9. Can you find us?!

Read it here!