KAT is away visiting family until October 8th. 

The Parish Photo Directory is ready!  Get yours on Sunday in the hall. Suggested donation $10.00.

We had a successful and delicious Community Dinner on Monday night!  We served a whopping 108 meals and had the best volunteer turnout ever. Thank you to everyone who showed up to help!

Next week: 

Selinde will be in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.        

Wednesday, September 25 at 12:30pm:  Parish Council meeting in the library. (Why not come and enjoy HUB Lunch beforehand?)·        

Thursday, September 26, all day:   Diocesan Council meets here at St. Mary’s in the hall.

Further ahead: 

Wednesday October 2nd  at 12:30Christmas Fair Meeting in the library. Countdown to the Christmas Fair!  It is hoped that all table coordinators will be able to attend. Thank you! 

Sign up in the hall on Sunday if you can help with decorating the church for Thanksgiving.  The creative work starts at 10am on Saturday October 12th.  We need donations of decorations as well as helping hands. An hour of your time would make all the difference – thank you!