Please come and check us out! That would be the best way to learn who we are and what we do.

Many people feel apprehensive attending a new church, or going to church for the first time. You are not alone.

We're not tooting our own horn, but we've been told repeatedly how welcoming we are.

Plan to arrive a few minutes before 10am if you're coming to check us out on a Sunday. You will be welcomed at the door and given a bulletin which outlines the service so you can follow along. If you'd like to get connected to the church or would like to be contacted by the priest, just let one of the greeters know.

Bring your children or grandchildren!  St. Mary's is located in a predominantly retirement community so while at present we do not offer a Sunday school program, children of all ages are welcome in the service. There is a space at the back of the church with activities for children. Please don't worry about your children making noise - we're delighted to have children with us.

Dress up or dress down, as you like. Some of our parishioners like to dress up; others dress casual. We're not here to judge you; just to welcome you!

Everyone is welcome at God's table. If you would like to receive communion or a blessing, please come up to the altar when the Eucharist is celebrated. (If you would like to receive a blessing, cross your arms over your chest at the communion rail to let the priest know.)

Parts of the service are formal, some less so. Please join in as you feel comfortable.

And if you have any questions that are not answered here, please don't hesitate to call the office during office hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Phone messages will be picked up daily.

If you would like to speak to our priest, please call and leave a message on 250-468-5684.